
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Welcome to United Hockey Club 2024 Season!

Please renew your membership by following the below steps.

If you are a returning player (including current indoor players) please renew your membership by clicking on the RETURNING MEMBER button and pay the relevant Hockey Australia Levy. 

If you have not registered with United or any other club through the revolutionise sport system (in the past 3/4 years), please click the NEW MEMBER button and pay the relevant Hockey Australia Levy.  

If you are a team official (coach/manager etc) please renew (if you have previously had an account) or register by selecting 'Non Playing Member' so you can be added to your relevant team.

We look forward to seeing you all in the field in our 70th year in 2024! 


Hockey Australia Levy Details:
Hookin2Hockey = 42.81 ($20 HACT and $22.81 HA)
Junior Player (18yrs and under) = $45.31
Senior Player (19+ yrs) = $57.31
Non Playing Member = $0
Social Competition ONLY Player* = $32.81  
* Please only use this registration type if you play in a social competition and will not play in the 2024 winter season. 


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