Monthly Night Dive - Shelly Beach, Manly (May)


Wed 31 May 2023 18:30 — 21:30

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.


We are organising a night dive at Shelly Beach in Manly 

As a club, we are aiming to organise a night dive at least once every month this year in 2023. 

As scuba divers, we don't often realise that we are blessed to live in one of the few major cities in the world with great shore diving options within the city.

What better way to end the day, after many classes at uni or after a tough shift at work, than with a chilled night dive in one of Sydney's best dive sites?

Upon registration, further information on the dive site and a recommended dive plan will be provided. 

Registration and attendance is FREE.

If you can't make it, no fear - we'll do this again next month. 



To join this dive, the minimum level of dive experience will be PADI Open Water Diver (or equivalent), with a minimum of one previous night dive before this dive. 

If you have not completed a night dive before, we would strongly recommend that you first experience a night dive with a dive shop or a qualified dive guide / dive instructor.

Remember that no attendees of this event will be operating in the capacity of an instructor or dive guide, so cannot teach or conduct a full refresher of night dive skills during the event.

Please contact me directly if you have any queries or concerns in relation to this. 



Shelly Beach is widely regarded as one of Sydney's best overall dive sites. It is within a reserve, so no fishing or spearfishing is allowed. As a result, the quantity and quality of wildlife at Shelly Beach is fantastic.

As well as being a fantastic day-time dive, Shelly Beach is equally beautiful at night.

At night, you can commonly encounter cuttlefish, schools of squid, sea snails, Port Jackson sharks, wobbegongs, and bull rays, just to name a few.

If you are lucky, you may encounter some Dusky Whaler sharks that swim by to check you out.

More information on the dive site and some recommended dive plans will be available after registration.

Parking at Shelly Beach is one of the most challenging tasks on any nice weekend day, which is why we avoid day time club dives at Shelly Beach. At night, however, parking is generally plentiful.



Wednesday 31 May 2023:

7:00pm: Arrive at the Shelly Beach car park. 

7:00pm - 7:30pm: Dive brief, buddy pairs organisation, assemble and don gear, buddy checks. 

7:30pm - 8:30pm: Dive (planned 60 minutes bottom time).

8:30pm - 9:00pm: Return from dive, gear disassembly, departure.

Most parts of the Shelly Beach dive should be sheltered except in specific wind and swell conditions, but in the unlikely event that conditions are forecasted to be unpleasant or dangerous, the dive will be cancelled.

Any cancellation notification will come by email no later than 5pm the day before.



You will have to arrange your own transportation to and from Shelly Beach with your gear. 

There are no public transportation options available, it is strongly advised that you drive yourself or carpool (further details after signing up). 



There is no cost for attending this event – just fill out an online form to register, and then rock up.

Costs of gear hire are not included here. 

Please note that you must be a fully paid member of the Underwater Club to register. 

Any costs for carpooling (e.g. fuel, snacks) will be independently organised by each carpooling group. 

In the unlikely event that this dive is cancelled, please note that we may not be able to refund your costs of gear hire from our Gear Shed.


|| GEAR ||

Important: Please note that a dive computer and safety sausage/surface marker buoy MUST be used by all divers at events hosted by the Underwater Club. 

No dive computer? No diving.

No safety sausage? No diving.

No torch AND a backup light source? No diving. 

A reminder that you are ultimately responsible for organising your own gear, as we are not a dive shop. 

BCDs, tanks, regulators, dive computers, wetsuits, masks, fins and weights are all available to hire from the club through our gear hire portal*.



- If you hire our cylinders, they come empty. You will need to fill it before our dive. 

- We can't guarantee the availability of gear for hire at the Gear Shed. Make sure you get your bookings in early to secure your gear hire!



Bernard Wai

0424 753 357 | 

Please contact me if you have any questions.