Sunshine Softball Association


Softball Victoria COVID update -15/10/2021

Published Fri 15 Oct 2021

Softball Victoria COVID update


To:  Members
From:  Softball Victoria Board & Softball Victoria State Operations Manager
Subject:  COVID update
Attachments:  Nil

COVID update!

Are you ready to play?
Whilst our regional members can train in small groups, here in Melbourne we are not far away from the resumption of training after 70% double dose and matches after 80% double dose which is great news!

Remember that in Melbourne, until we hit 70% double dose level, players need to comply with the existing gathering limits in place (not travel more than 15km and can gather in groups of 5 – so long as all adults are fully vaccinated). For full details – check out the Victorian Government coronavirus website.

Mandatory Vaccination?

The current information from VicSport is that all authorised workers (paid or unpaid), which includes volunteers such as committee, ground staff, coaches, umpires, statisticians and any other person who volunteers that Associations and Clubs rely on for the smooth running of their competitions are required to be fully vaccinated (double dose) by 26 November 2021.  They must have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine by 15 October 2021.
Further to above Volunteers may need to provide proof of vaccination to their Club/Association, who may need to keep a register that the valid certificate has been cited before they can volunteer. SV are working with Softball Australia to see if there is a way to capture this information efficiently and securely to save time for clubs and associations.

Players and Spectators.
Softball Victoria (SV) are waiting on the State Government position whether players and spectators will need to be fully vaccinated to participate in or attend community sport this summer.

As it is a definite possibility that the above mandatory vaccination may apply to all participants, players and athletes, we continue to encourage all those who can be vaccinated to get vaccinated ASAP. The earlier we reach the 80% double dose rates, the quicker we can start the season.

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