Welcome to St Pats Emeralds Ladies Softball Team!
2023/2024 Season Starts Saturday 9th September!
Registrations are now OPEN. Registration fee includes brand new St Pats SHIRT, CAP and SOCKS!
Keep up to date by joining our Facebook group:
Get Ready for Season 2023/2024 Emeralds!!!
Season start date Saturday 9th September! Register Now! Registration fee includes brand new St Pats SHIRT, CAP and socks!
Ladies D grade Seniors are looking forward to coming back again this 2023/2024 Season!
Registration in now OPEN! If you have been thinking about joining slow pitch softball, don't be afraid to give it a go. We are a great group of girls who just love the game and have fun on a Saturday afternoon.
15 Aug 2023
There are no upcoming events.