Appendix I – A SABOT:
- A sabot, means the sailing craft as defined by the Australian National Sabot Council Constitution, bylaws, Rules of Measurement and Builder’s Guide of Sabot Class Dinghies in Australia.
- It is the responsibility of the registered owner of a sabot to ensure that, at all times, the boat and gear conform to the required specifications.
- It is the responsibility of the registered owner of a sabot to ensure that, at all times, the sabot is sailed in accordance with the eligibility rules as set out in the ANSC Bylaws.
- All boats wishing to be registered as a sabot must be measured by an official South Queensland Sabot Association Measurer and the prescribed fee for such measurement are paid.
- On production of a properly completed first section of the Measurement Form as set out in the ANSC Rules of Measurement and the payment of the prescribed fee, the Registrar will then allocate the sabot a registration number which shall become the Registered Number of the sabot and shall not be altered. The boat will then be returned to the Measurer for the second section of the Measurement Form to be completed. The sabot shall then be eligible to compete in events under the control of this Association and nationally.
- Modification and rebuilds as well as replacement of gear and sails must be certified by an official SQSA Measurer prior to sailing in SQSA events or nationally.
Appendix II – BYLAWS:
- Sabot Regattas shall be conducted annually by a host club or clubs appointed by the Association for the purpose. Such appointments shall be made by rotation or nomination.
- The Association shall conduct Trial races annually over two weekends to select the team to represent SQSA at the National Sabot Championships. The final results of such races will normally determine the SQSA team, however, in the case of proven sickness, accident or injury occurring during these races, the Management Committee shall be empowered to make final selection of the best representative team.
- The Association shall conduct a weekend Regatta at a River venue and a Bay venue annually.
- Each Regatta event shall be conducted in a series of from four to six heats, depending on the suitability of the weather and other considerations such as limited travelling time available to crews.
- South Queensland Sabot Association Championships – placings will be decided on the lowest cumulative final score from the final results of all SQSA events, i.e. Selection Trials, Bay Titles and River Titles and that the skipper accrues these points even when sailing in different registered sabots.
- Only Sabots with current yearly registration can be nominated for participation in SQSA events.
- Nomination of crews for participation in SQSA events will be accepted only if they are current financial members of SQSA and of an affiliated club at the time of the event.
- No skipper will be eligible for SQSA events unless he/she has sailed three club races at an affiliated club in a sabot during the current season prior to the Regatta and has indicated a willingness to sail sabots regularly thereafter.
- During an Association event no change of crew is to be made without the permission of the Race Committee.
- The Management Committee of SQSA shall be the Race Committee for all Association events. A PRO shall be appointed by the host club and be part of the Race committee.
- A Notice of Race shall be issued by SQSA in conjunction with the host club and made available to all competitors as early as possible.
- The Notice of Race and Instructions to crews for the conduct and control of events held under the direction of SQSA (Sailing Instructions) are to contain the normal information as outlined in the current AYF Racing Rules of Sailing and safety prescriptions and, in addition, the following references in there relevant places:-
(a) The time when boats are to be rigged and ready with crew for the safety inspection.
(b) Only Sabots with current yearly registration can be nominated
(c) for participation in SQSA events.
(d) Nomination of crews for participation in SQSA events will be
(e) accepted only if they are current financial members of SQSA and of an affiliated club at the time of the event.
(f) No skipper will be eligible for SQSA events unless he/she has sailed three club races at an affiliated club in a sabot during the current season prior to the Regatta and has indicated a willingness to sail sabots regularly thereafter.
(g) During an Association event no change of crew is to be made
(h) without the permission of the Race Committee.
(i) Only one sail, set of spars, centreboard and rudder may be used during each regatta. The substitution of gear may be made only after the skipper has applied in writing and been granted permission to make the substitution from the Race Committee.
(j) The Low Points scoring system is used for SQSA events.
(k) Sign-on shall be completed by each skipper and crew of each sabot for every race (unless back to back races sailed) prior to the Preparatory Signal being displayed and Sign-Off shall be completed by the Skipper and Crew for each sabot as soon as possible after finishing each race.
(l) That obscene language or abusive behaviour by competitors or their parents shall be an offence subject to protest by competitors and/or Race Committee.
(m) The SQSA Championship placings will be decided on the lowest cumulative final score from the final results of all SQSA events, i.e. Selection Trials, Bay Titles and River Titles and that the skipper accrues these points even when sailing in different registered sabots.
(n) Protests shall be conducted as per the AYF Racing Rules of Sailing and with the addition of the following clauses –
* A sabot intending to protest shall always inform the other boat at the first reasonable opportunity. When the protest concerns an incident in the racing area that it is involved in or sees, it shall hail ‘Protest’ and conspicuously display a red flag at the first reasonable opportunity for each. If the other sabot is beyond hailing distance the protesting sabot need not hail but shall inform the other sabot at the first reasonable opportunity. A sabot required to display a flag shall do so until it is no longer racing.
* Any protesting sabot shall report the intention of protesting to an Official Boat or the Finish Boat before leaving the race area and/or as soon as possible after finishing the race.
* Protests may be made only by the skipper or crew actually nominated in the event and shall be written on forms provided by the Race Secretary, Such protests shall be lodged within 1 hour (or as deemed necessary at the relevant venue) of the finishing time of the last boat in the relevant division.
* A boat protesting shall come ashore in a specified area, which shall be suitably marked, and be kept clear of all persons other than officials.
* The person coming ashore from such protesting boat shall report immediately to the SQSA Counsellor. Any communications with any person other than an official, skipper or crew of another boat coming ashore in the specified area who participated in the race, will render the protest invalid.
* Counsellors shall advise and help the protesting person and protested person in any way, especially in preparing the protest form and securing the protest fee or preparing a defence.
* The skipper and crew concerned shall not leave the specified area without the Counsellor’s permission until the protest is lodged.
* The Protest Committee will hear protests as soon as possible in the order of receipt.
* Protest Notices will be posted on the official Notice Board within 30 minutes of the expiration of protest time to inform competitors where and when there is a hearing in which they are parties to or named as witnesses.
Appendix III – SAFETY:
- It shall be the duty of the PRO to see that the Model Rules and Bylaws of the Association are observed and instances of failure, especially in the interests of safety, shall be reported to the Race Committee.
- Crews of nominated sabots must be able to comply with AYF Special Regulations, Part 2 – Off the Beach Boats – Clause 2 Personal Buoyancy.
- A tow rope (extending past the sabot by at lest 2 boat lengths) must be carried and fitted in the sabot as per ANSC Section 5 – Rules of measurement 6.1 Safety Requirements.
- A paddle and bailer, with lanyards attached, must be carried in the sabot as per ANSC Section 5 – Rules of measurement 6.1 Safety Requirements.
- The centreboard and rudder must be attached to the boat so that when the boat is in a capsized position, they will not come out of their respective cases. Rudder pins or pintles must be fitted with metal retainers.
- A halyard or sail quick release, rigged such that the crew, on the water in adverse conditions, are able to lower the sail.
- In the event of a capsize in conditions beyond the capacity of the crew to handle the yacht, or breakage of gear, the crew shall stay with the boat until assistance arrives.
- Any sabot, which capsizes, shall be regarded by escort vessels as requiring “immediate attention”, but not necessarily assistance.
- The crew of a capsized Sabot shall be subject to the direction and control of the Skipper of any official escort vessel which reached the scene of capsize, and shall obey any reasonable instructions given by the said Skipper.
- The PRO shall use his/her discretion in determining suitable racing conditions, but a general guide races will not be started in winds exceeding 25 knots.
Appendix IV – TROPHIES
Selection Trials
Senior Scratch –The Rev. Brennan Memorial Trophy
Junior Scratch –The Rev. Brennan Memorial Trophy
Bay Titles
Senior Scratch – Championship of Queensland (Ken McLeod) Shield
Junior Scratch – Championship of Queensland Shield (SQSA) Shield
Senior Handicap – John Clive Memorial Cup
Junior Handicap – Jack Anderson Perpetual Trophy
Pennants – Senior & Junior First, Second and Third and First Handicap
River Titles
Senior Scratch – A.S. Huybers Memorial Trophy
Junior Scratch – Dr Neil Jackson Perpetual Trophy
Senior Handicap – Fred McCartney Perpetual Trophy
Junior Handicap – Odile Anderson Perpetual Trophy
Pennants – Senior & Junior First, Second & Third and First Handicap
SQSA Championships
Senior Scratch – The President’s Trophy
Junior Scratch – The President’s Trophy
Senior Handicap – Tom Anderson Perpetual Trophy
Junior Handicap – Tom Anderson Perpetual Trophy
Pennants – Senior & Junior First, Second & Third and First Handicap
Sprint Series
Senior Scratch – The Mark Robba Family Trophy
Junior Scratch – The Neil Paten Trophy
Australian Sabot Week Perpetual Trophies
Presented to the skipper of the best across the line performed SQSA boat competing in Sabot Week.
Senior Harvey Trophy
Junior Finglas Trophy
Custody of Perpetual Trophies – When a skipper belongs to a club, which has secure display facilities, the trophies may be kept by that club until the following year. However, when clubs do not have such facilities, the skipper must return the trophy within a period of not more than three (3) months.