Start Racing - Windsurfing


Thu 30 Nov 2023 16:00 — Mon 11 Dec 2023 19:00
See all dates
Australian Sailing - 4. Start Racing - Windsurfing

Course information

This course is sold out.

Thank you for joining us in the recent Start  Racing - Windsurfing course. We hope you enjoyed your time with us.

From here, you may enjoy repeating the course or taking on the next challenge of racing.
If you are not sure where is best to go from here, speak to your coach for the best guidance.

Please feel free to reach out to if you have any questions.

Course Overview
You will now enhance your skills using higher performance equipment and refine your sailing knowledge to allow you to learn the basics of racing. 

Course Prerequisites

Water confident and the skills, knowledge and experience you gained in Better Windsurfing.

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for participants who wish to begin racing windsurfers, and who have completed a Better Windsurfing course.

Course Outcome

You will gain your Start Racing - Windsurfing completion certificate. 


We recognise that some of our course participants are completing the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award and may be using sailing and/or club membership to complete one or more sections of The Award. To learn more, click here