Experienced Sailors

Upcoming Events

Sailing Lifts Your Spirits is back for the summer season.

We have events planned through to the end of the season in mid-March.

Thank you for being part of the Sailing Lifts Your Spirits community.  You help us make sure our guests are always safe on board.  Please register early so that we know we have enough sailors to crew every yacht available and help lift the spirits of our well deserving guests.

It's my first time here

Click here to Register There is quite a bit of information required. You can get started and come back if you don't have all of the info available right now.  You'll get an email with your username and a link so that you can set your password.

Click here to finish your Profile You will have received an email from Sailing Lifts Your Spirits with the Subject Membership Details.  This has your username. Please note that your username isn't your email address.


I have received my Welcome Aboard email

Click here to select an Event   You will be prompted to Log In, then select Upcoming Events to register for new events or My Events to manage your current registrations.