
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

All new players and new non-playing coaches/managers/umpires/game officials registering for the 2025 season, who have never registered before for hockey in Australia with any club, must select the 'NEW MEMBER' option below, to register. 

All returning players, who have previously registered through the RevSport system must select the 'RETURNING MEMBER' option below to register. 

Any secondary dual players or players playing in a 2nd Brisbane club (who want SBE as their secondary club) should register with their Primary Club/Association first, then register here for SBE by choosing the 'RETURNING MEMBER' button and selecting 'Senior Player' as the registration type. Dual players who have registered with their Primary club first should not be charged the HA/HQ fees again when registering with SBE.

If you are a player and Coach, Manager, Umpire or Volunteer you only need to register once with SBE.  If you are a player with one club and a Coach, Manager, Umpire or Volunteer with another club, you will need to register in both clubs, after registering with your primary club first.