Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

SailPass Temporary Membership

A SailPass will provide you with personal injury insurance cover for the day/s that you are registered.

Australian Sailing (AS) 
as part of Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 46 requires. "...all crew in any race will be required to be a member of an affiliated club and registered with Australian Sailing."

SailPass Types Available at the RSAYS
SailPass Name Details
Special Offer Once only - Entitles you to 15 weekend race days. The fee is deductible if you choose to join the Squadron in any one of its membership categories. Cost: $100
Weekend Racing Available: Saturday & Sundays (12pm-6pm) - Cost: 1-3 days = FREE, 4+ Plus = $25 per day 
Wednesday Twilights Available: Wednesdays - Cost: FREE
Friday Sternchasers Available: Fridays - Cost: FREE
King of the Gulf  Available for the King of the Gulf Regatta - Cost FREE



Follow the steps outlined below to register for SailPass: