Tackers 3: 1st - 5th Oct


October 1st - 5th - 1300 to 1700
Australian Sailing - 5. Tackers 3 - Sailing Fast!

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.

The Tackers program is specially designed for primary age children and everything from the colourful sails to the delivery of the program is tailored to be FUN.


There are three levels of the Tackers program, Tackers 1 – Having FunTackers 2 – Tricks and Techniques and Tackers 3 – Sailing Fast. Tackers 1 requires no prior knowledge or boating experience, all we ask is that your little sailor is water confident. All equipment is included for sailing, including a Personal Flotation Device (lifejacket) for each sailor.

The Tackers course will teach the basics of sailing, including all techniques required to set-up the boat, leave and return to the beach, sail around a course or to a destination and safety on the water. The courses also cover the basic rules of sailing, weather and knot tying. All content is delivered in the most practical way possible – on the water! With high instructor to student ratios, students will sail on their own or in pairs in their own ‘Optimist’ training dinghy, with an instructor close by in a powerboat.


The course cost is $310 per sailor and includes 20 hours of tuition, full personal insurance cover issued by Australian Sailing, a ‘Tackers Pack’ (containing different surprises for each level), daily fruit for morning tea and a sausage sizzle lunch on the final day.

Course Overview
This course aims to build on skills learned in Tackers 2 and focuses on advanced sailing skills through games and adventures on the water. 

Course Prerequisites

  • Water confident
  • 7-12 years-old
  • Skills, knowledge and experience gained in Tackers 2

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for participants who have completed Tackers 2.

Course Outcome

By the end of the Tackers 3 course, the participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the correct method and understand the theory of roll tacking and gybing
  • Stopping the boat in a confined areas for a period of time
  • Sail backwards
  • Understand the theory behind gybing and can demonstrate the action downwind
  • Show a sound knowledge of the five essentials:
    • Centreboard position
    • Boat trim
    • Boat balance
    • Course made good
    • Sail trim
  • Start and finish races on a triangle and trapezoid course
  • Always use tactical mark roundings in races

You will gain your Tackers 3 completion certificate.