Keelboat Skills Program 2024-2025 EOI

Event information

The Keelboat (RS21) Skills Program offers sessions following the completion of Start Crewing, Start Helming and Start Skippering courses to allow people to consolidate newly established skills. Participation requires some level of experience in the skill that will be worked on in any given session.

If a session is fully booked, please email as we may be able to organise another boat.

Start Crewing Graduates will work on, sail trim, safety and emergencies and sail theory.

Start Helming Graduates will work on, helming practice, tacking and gybing as helm and sailing around a course.

Start Skippering Graduates will work on, boat handling, safety and emergencies and racing theory.

The program also provides an opportunity to meet other sailors and create networks around the club. 

By clicking to Register you will be contacted when new sesssions are announced. 

If you are new to sailing, a Keelboat Learn to Sail Course is the perfect place to start, express your interest here.

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