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The new look governance tools have arrived

View all · 03 Apr 2023 · revolutioniseSPORT

The first of four updates coming to the platform is here to bring a new look to your TasksMeetingsIncident reports & Injury reports features.

Improved user experience. Mobile-first appearance. Reinforced data security.



Why are we doing this?

We’re updating our platform with a sleeker, refined look designed to improve site navigation, create a mobile-first appearance and enable administrators to understand their data more easily. 

To make the transition as smooth as possible for administrators, features across the platform will be updated in a staged approach from April to July. This staged approach will allow the update release to be carefully monitored and more focused support to be provided.


What's Update 1 of 4?

The first update, which is one of the four, streamlines our governance features such as Tasks, Meetings, Injury reports and Incident reports with a new look.

While Update 1 of 4 brings new colours and layouts, the key capabilities of the updated features remain essentially unchanged.

Even though some other features on the platform may still have the previous look, they will continue to interact dynamically with the new look features.

We have also temporarily inserted a Revert to previous look button to allow platform admins to change their portal to the previous design. This enables admins to gradually acclimate to our new look without disrupting their critical duties. This will last a limited time per feature before being removed.



Get ready for two-factor authentication


Two-Factor Authentication (TFA) is progressively rolling out across the revolutioniseSPORT platform. When an administrator visits a feature with our new look for the first time, they will be prompted to set up two-factor authentication. For Update 1 of 4, two-factor authentication will be required to access TasksMeetingsInjury reports & Incident reports.

The two-factor authentication set up page has a clear set of instructions to help administrators access the new look features.



Are there any other resources to assist me with TFA?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section has been updated and where you can access step-by-step help for two-factor authentication. You can use the FAQs section as a personal guide, as well as a tool for sharing tips and tricks within your network.

To access FAQs in your portal:

  1. Click help in your portal.


  3. Click on any frequently asked questions for a comprehensive answer.


Get help with authenticator apps

Popular authenticator apps, like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator and Authy, provide detailed help on how to use their product. If you need help setting up your authenticator app, take a look at their online help resources. Access help pages for these popular apps via the links below: