

Published Tue 30 Jan 2024

As we are all aware, the cost of everything has risen to new levels over the last year and look to continue rising. Unfortunately, this is also true for the supplies that we use to create our costumes and practice skirts and use in our performances. Great news is, our term fee's will be locked in as the same as last year's fee's. All seven sections will stay the same.

This means though, that we have to unfortunately raise the price on one piece of essential equiptment. Our practice skirts. We have tried to keep the prices as resonable as possible. We are still cheaper than any of the other suppliers that you can find online. When you are purchasing a skirt, it is at least, a three year investment. Make sure the student knows how to look after them, try and handle them with care. If any holes are made, try and fix them before they rip the whole skirt apart.

Clubs and rods aren't usually something we have returned broken or bent but still have to be treated with care. Make sure you are using your apparatus correctly and you will have no problem with them lasting. Watch out espescially for those puppies who love nothing more than a good piece of wood to chew on. Over the next couple of classes, you will be measured and if needed, supplied with a rod and a set of clubs that are the correct length. Store your clubs out of puppy's reach or your little brothers hands and your rod should be stored in its rod container. 

We are looking forward to classes starting back this week and can't wait to see what 2024 brings us.

Have a superb year!


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