2025 WPV Summer Splash - EOIs


4-Feb until 25-Mar 2025, Tue - A & B Grade Women, Wed - A & B Grade Men, Thu - C & D Grade Mixed

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

MUPolo are calling for Expressions of Interest for players wishing to play in the WPV Summer Competition in 2024.

Competition Details

The competition will commence in the week beginning 4 February 2025, and run for 8 rounds, with the final round to be a ladder ranked final (i.e. 1 v 2, 3 v 4 etc).

Melbourne University will enter teams suitable for the players who express interest. Pending numbers, the club will look to enter the following teams:

  • Women's B Grade
  • Men's B Grade
  • Mixed C or D Grade


Members must be registered and financial with both the Melbourne University Water Polo Club and Water Polo Victoria/Australia to be eligible to play in this formal competition.

Please refer to the Membership page for further detail.


In order to reduce costs to members this season will run as a social season without any club training. Club training will recommence in March when the University Semester 1 begins.

Summer Splash 

  • Match Fees - $135 (based on 10 players per team, additional players will reduce this fee)
  • WPV & WPA Registration Payments are required if not already registered (please contact us for more information)

Refer to the fee structure for further information about our clubs fee structure.


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