Junior Coaches
Each Junior team is allocated $250 to discount the fees of coaches.
Working With Children Check.
Available Thursday night 6-7pm to attend training.
Available Friday and/or Wednesday to attend games.
Job can be shared discount is shared as well.
Umpires and Tech Bench
Newcastle pay umpires the following fee schedule
$60 Umpire a PHL game.
$40 Umpire 2nd or 3rd grade game
$30 Umpire 4th to 7th grade game
$10 for Tech Bench PHL and 2nd grade only.
$25 Junior A grade
$15 Junior B or C Grade.
Because of the huge expense of goalkeeping equipment goalkeepers than have their own equipment receive a discount on fees.
RSA Qualified canteen staff.
We’ll be looking for someone to help out in the Maitland Canteen details TBC