
Spirits are high with a huge turnout to start the season!

Published Wed 05 Aug 2020


Social Mixed Netball has gotten everyone out of their post-isolation feels and onto the court to celebrate the start to a bigger and better new season!


On Monday night, after a year’s absence the Maccabi Social Mixed Netball competition returned with over 120 players, making this one of the biggest seasons we’ve had to date.


Everyone was so excited to be getting their groove back to enjoy some friendly competition!


The 14-team strong competition comprises Jews from a wide spectrum of the community of young adults going toe-to-toe with newlyweds and experienced netballers bringing first-timers into the fold. Our competition brings together these ballers in the spirit of sport, connection and fun!


Game faces were on when the whistles blew to start off the games. While lots of people were dusting off the cobwebs from isolation, it was not obvious as all teams played fair and impressive matches.


We have utilised social distancing practises to keep our community safe, consistent with teams’ own bibs, sanitiser and check-in points.


If the first round is anything to go by, then it will be a great experience and connector for all players involved.


Good luck to all!
