
Season 2020 here we come!

Published Tue 28 Jan 2020

Hello and Welcome Back 

We are so rapt that we are nearing the beginning of the season. There has been alot of work done over the Summer with our Friday night teams doing superbly in the GFNL Summer Competition and a very busy pre season for our older players. 

This is the time of the year where there much planning and MANY MANY dates and pieces of information to know so please pop into your calendars the following: 


All of our trials and events are on this website too and here is the link to make it easier for you -

Help Needed

Sponsorship Coordinator

We are still seeking one committee position of Sponsorship Coordinator. This is a really important role and for one lucky person the hard work has been done for 2020 in that all sponsorship deals have been confirmed but there is always more to be done and its so important that we have someone to look after our wonderful sponsors in ensuring all their sponsorship requirements are taken care of. If you can see yourself as someone who has some interest and/or expertise in this area, please call Fiona Bennett, Chairperson, Lara Netball on 0431 102197 and have a chat about what the role entails. All welcome! 


We are also seeking a few coaches for our junior teams. If you have an interest in forming relationships with people in your community, helping young netball players have fun and be their best then this for you. Coaching is so rewarding. It looks great on your CV and the benefits of community engagement are so valuable. Come and have a go. We have mentor coaches who will also help you get started and be there for support if you need it throughout the season. If this is something that interests you please call Bridie Brady on 0431 783 323.

Please see below our committee of managament structure and the people involved. Come and join in the fun and engage with your local community. 



Files for download
Calendar of Events 2020

Major sponsors

We Support