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The Senior Coach is a full-day program comprising of mainly practical/hands on coaching activities, with some theory. The Senior Coach course content includes: teaching and Learning concepts, an introduction to basic periodisation and season planning, physiology, introduction to and communication of basic sports science principles, development and correction of skills and fitness, and risk management.
Target Audience
This program is designed to provide training for coaches who are working with club and state level judoka, across a range of age groups and abilities, who wish to gain a deeper understanding of the coach’s role.
Course Pre-Requisites:
Held Coach Judo accreditation for minimum 12 months (exemption for those who have completed an IJF Academy coaching course)
Minimum 18 years of age
- 50 hours coaching in past 12 months
- First Aid qualification
- ASADA Level 1 Online Education
- Working with Children Check clearance
- Completion of Play by the Rules Online Training
- Intermediate Coaching Principles modules
- Heads Up Online Course
- Minimum grade Shodan
- Ability to demonstrate and teach the basic skills of Nage no Kata
Note: Pre-requisites may be completed after attending the practical course.
Complete short answer worksheet questions
Participation in course activities
Practical – demonstration of coaching skills during coaching session of at least 20 minutes duration
Session Modules
Learning Styles & Coaching Implications
Communication Strategies & Feedback Process
Fault Detection and Correction
Inclusive Coaching
Skill Progression
Coaching for Individual Differences
Mentor Coaching & Self-Improvement