2021 BBR Dan Grading Study Group

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$25.00 per session
$120.00 all sessions
Dale Keogh, Ernest Wakamatsu

The Judo NSW Black Belt Register (BBR) Dan Study Group looks to prepare black belt promotion candidates (Shodan and above) for their upcoming Dan Grading (28 November 2021) by reviewing black belt Judo technical requirements. At the end of the three day session, attendees should feel confident to meet the Dan grading panel to demonstrate their Judo knowledge.

Kata and refereeing skill and knowledge are outside the scope of the study group.  While primarily focused on black belt promotion candidates, 2nd Kyu grade cadets and seniors are welcome to attend.

The study group shall meet as follows:

Date: 13, 20 and 27 November 2021 (Saturday)

Session Times: 9AM-12noon and 1:00-4:00pm

Place: Judo NSW Dojo, Newington Armoury

The study group will be led by BBR instructors, but the study group will be highly interactive as attendees show and explain to each other the techniques in Tachiwaza (standing techniques) and Newaza (mat techniques). 

High Level Agenda

First Session, 13 November

AM - Kata

PM - Ukemi and Nage Waza requirements, including the Gokyo and Shinmeisho techniques

Second Session, 20 November

AM - Kata

PM - Renraku waza, Kaeshi waza, and start Newaza requirements

Third Session, 27 November

AM - Kata

PM - Osaewaza, Turn overs, Moving past the legs, Shime waza, and Kansetsu waza


There are no scheduled sessions.

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