Ipswich Hockey offers programs catering for all ages (from 3 years) and abilities
We have 8 family friendly clubs also happy to assist. Click the 'Clubs' tab above for contact details of all our clubs and to get all the information you require and how to go about joining, including the link to register.
You can also contact our Hockey Operations Coordinator on 0413 211 138 with any enquiries or email operations@ipswichhockey.com
Each club has their own fee structure and so the total cost for the season may vary from club to club.
As a guide:
HOOK IN2 HOCKEY (Beginner Program)
- Hockey Queensland/Hockey Australia Registration & Insurance (paid direct to HQ/HA at time of registration) - $41.54
- PLUS the IHA fee of $50 TBC (paid to your club) which is a one off payment to cover all program costs for the entire season.
- Registrations open 1 January 2025 and will be via the club links to the club of your choice.
Individual clubs may then add a small additional charge to cover uniform items etc.
PLEASE NOTE: Participants who register for this beginner program ARE NOT ELIGIBLE to compete in club fixtures (E Grade/J2)
For club fixtures
ALL players are required to register direct with Hockey Queensland.
Hockey Queensland Fee Structure
Total amount must be paid online at time of registration (inclusive of GST and fees). Please note: the payment of the HA/HQ Registration & Insurance Fee is a requirement from Hockey QLD.
National and State Fees - all ages as at 31 December 2025
Senior 19 yrs and over as at 31 December 2024
Senior Casual (Up to 10 Games)
Student 18+ 19 yrs to 24 years Studying Full Time
Junior 9 - 18 yrs as at 31 December 2025
Hook in2 Hockey Introductory Program
$18.73 |
$22.81 |
$41.54 |
Ipswich Hockey's levy: $50 for senior players and $30 for junior players
Individual clubs will then levy fees to cover training costs and game fees etc.
For a more accurate indication of total fees for the season, please click the 'Clubs' tab above or contact the club directly. Information on fees from clubs is also available each season on our Open Day.
HOOK IN2 HOCKEY (Introductory Program)
Our HOOK IN2 HOCKEY introductory program runs on Saturday mornings from 8.45am-10am starting 15 March with the last session on Saturday, 16 August (breaks for school holidays etc.).
Hook in2 Hockey Program Dates - Coming soon!
Our introductory program caters for children from 3 years of age until they are ready to participate in club fixtures (Under 11).
See above for costs
Our fixtures cater for all ages and abilities with male and female competitions from Under 11 to Open.
- All Players who are registering with Ipswich Hockey as their Primary Association should click the link (whe available) for the club with which they which to register (Registrations for 2025 open 1 January 2024)
- Those players who are registering with Ipswich Hockey as their Secondary Association should first register with their Primary Association/Club then click the link below for the club with which they wish to Secondary register and click the Renew button. (Please note you need to have registered with your Primary Association/Club first to be able to access this function).
Please click the club name to register with that club (all club links will be available asap)
(only for non playing members who are not affiliated with any club and who are active members of the Umpires, Technical Panel, Executive Committee or is an IHA Volunteer or Rep Coach/Manager/Selector)