
Shed Updates

Published Fri 19 Jun 2020

It's a great time to share some updates on what’s happening around the Shed for all to enjoy and benefit from over the coming months:

  • the upstairs flooring is being delivered and installed on Monday 22 June.  The Club received a Grant for this, and the new flooring will help to keep the upstairs clean , and more user-friendly for the gym equipment.
  • New gym equipment that was approved 'pre-COVID' by the Committee (thanks Heidi for the proposals!) is due to arrive at end of June, and includes new weights, bar, bench and power cage with attachments.
  • To help keep mess off the floor upstairs, a member has donated a SONOS Play system that is being installed - details on how to use will be posted soon - thanks!.
  • Tom has also donated a new fridge/ freezer and washing machine to the Club, thanks Tom!
  • the new tinny has arrived - again thanks to a Grant we received - and will be fully operational within the next week.  This is a low wash type, great for around the Bays.
  • Bat Project: Under what will be the new Fish Markets site, there has been a colony of endangered Micro Fishing bats.  A team of Ecologists has been relocating these bats to new boxes under Pyrmont Wharf, and has now finished, with the last little creature flying out last night.  The team have been storing Kayaks downstairs on bay A and would like to pass on their thanks to the membership for this.