
GRC Weekly Update for 4 June 2021

Published Fri 04 Jun 2021

This Week’s Highlights

  1. GRC Membership renewal 1st July - Heads Up
  2. 2021 Australian Masters Rowing Championships >> Wrap Up <<
  3. GRC End of Season Party 2021 (19 June) - Click here to book
  4. JB Sharp regatta series - starting 18th July
  5. Upcoming Regattas
  6. Boats Out of Action
  7. Current GRC COVID Rules
  8. Key Contacts and Documents


GRC Membership renewal 1st July - Heads Up

It’s that time of year again: membership renewals are due by the end of June.

It’s been 2 years since fees were last increased. This year the Committee again reviewed fees considering inflation and comparative to other clubs in the Sydney area. The decision was made to increase some fees.

The new fee levels are below:

  • Junior (under 19) - $400 (11.1% increase)
  • Non-rowing associate - $95 (no change)
  • Student (full time over 18) - $400 (11.1% increase)
  • Senior - $700 (4.5% increase)

The Foundation Membership will again be made available. Foundation Membership is a way of paying your fees in a tax advantaged way. Check out the Foundation Membership Flyer for more details.

Bri will let everyone know how and when fees are to be paid. This should be in the next week or so.

If you have questions feel free to approach any member of the Committee.


2021 Australian Masters Rowing Championships >> Wrap Up <<

The Australian Masters is over again for another year and GRC came home with a pretty amazing haul of medals: the 9th highest medal tally of the around 95 clubs competing.

Congratulations to all those that made the trek to Adelaide - attending any national regatta is not just about the medals, it’s also about building new memories and club camaraderie. Based on the Facebook posts, lots of both were created last weekend.

The full list of results is too long to include here, but below are the Glebe representatives in the Gold medal crews, i.e. National Masters Champions for 2021 (full results list here).

  • WA2x Heidi Lindahl, Elisabeth Lester
  • WA4x Heidi Lindahl, Elisabeth Lester, Soraya Mackay-Koelen
  • WC4x Jacolyn Harris, Heidi Lindahl
  • MG2x: Mark Tietjen
  • MG4x: Mark Tietjen
  • MixC4x: Heidi Lindahl (technically a Division)

Rumour has it that Heidi had to ship her medals back by road freight because the excess baggage charges were going to be more than the cost of a small car.


GRC End of Season Party 2021 (19 June) - >> Click here to book <<

Bookings are now open for the End of Season party.

$25 per person - you need to pay via the GRC bank account or paypal/debit/credit card. We’re not accepting debits from your existing GRC account.

Make sure you register here:


JB Sharp Regatta Series: Novice Racers Wanted!

The first Regatta of this series is hosted at Glebe and will take place on the 18th of July

(Want to help at this Regatta? Please let Brad know.)

If you have either never raced or done very little racing and want to get some experience this is the very best regatta series to enter.

It’s free to enter and much less formal than any other regatta series.

Plenty of GRC folks cut their proverbial racing teeth at the “JB Sharps”.

Jump in and have a go.

Check out the JB  Sharp website for details and rules, more information to follow including how to enter.


Upcoming Regattas

  • 3-4 July: NSW Masters Championships (SIRC, probably)
  • 18 July: JB Sharp Glebe (no entry fees)
  • 1 August: JB Sharp Drummoyne (no entry fees)

Entries: to by the Friday of the week before the regatta, i.e. minimum of 8 days prior.

Race fees: Have sufficient funds in your race fee account or you will not be entered. If in doubt contact Top up your account: PayPal/Credit Card or Direct Deposit


Boats Out of Action

The following boats are out of action at present:

  • None

The following boats are fragile and need careful handling:

  • Ken Main
  • Hughie Williamson
  • Reg Stride
  • Charlie Smith
  • Pauline Coats

Fill out the Incident/Maintenance Report Form for ANY issue, ANY boat, ANY time.


Current GRC COVID Rules

1. Mandatory QR Code Check-in

Ensure you sign-in with the Service NSW QR Code if you are in the shed for any reason.

If you go on the water you need to write your name and boat into the book.

2. Rowing equipment: Wash down boats and oars with soapy water after every use.

3. Gym equipment: Sanitize before and after each use.


Key Contacts and Documents

Link to: Key Contacts and Documents

Take the GRC Knowledge test