
GRC Weekly Update for 28 May 2021

Published Fri 28 May 2021

This Week’s Highlights

  1. 2021 Australian Masters Rowing Championships Live From … Adelaide
  2. End of Season Party (19 June) - Click here to book
  3. COVID Rules Update - Gym is back + QR Code - Reminder
  4. Riggers + Hulls = 😢😢😢 + 💰💰💰 - Reminder
  5. Upcoming Regattas
  6. Boats Out of Action
  7. Current GRC COVID Rules
  8. Key Contacts and Documents


2021 Australian Masters Rowing Championships Live From … Adelaide

The Australian Masters started yesterday in Adelaide and continues through to Sunday.

There is a good sized contingent of GRC rowers and those that have already raced include: Julia Vichkovskaia, Elizabeth Dorrian,  Kate Wareham, Selina Steele, Gemma Bassett, Callum Steele and Catherine Maxwell.

Shoutout to Andy Wiggan, Jackie Harris, Mark T and Ken Major who have medalled in the mixed races.

Gold star to Heidi and Liz Lester who are now the 2021 National WA2x Champions!

If you want to skive off work today support your GRC team mates check out the results and live feed here: Australian Masters


End of Season Party (19 June) - >> Click here to book <<

Bookings are now open for the End of Season party.

$25 per person - you need to pay via the GRC bank account or paypal/debit/credit card. We’re not accepting debits from your existing GRC account.


COVID Rules Update - Gym is back + QR Code - Reminder

With the re-easing of restrictions the gym is back in place.

Please continue to practise good hygiene - really just what you would expect at any time - wipe down machines between uses.

Keep using that QR Code people.


Riggers + Hulls = 😢😢😢 + 💰💰💰 - Reminder

Everytime a rigger touches a hull, an angel loses its wings: take care when moving boats in and around the racks.

Every scratch, dent, and ding on a hull is avoidable.

Every scratch dent, and ding on a hull reduces our pride in the fleet and costs money to repair.

Slow down, look more carefully, and communicate more between crew members when moving boats.

Do it for the angels.😇


Upcoming Regattas

Entries: to by the Friday of the week before the regatta, i.e. minimum of 8 days prior.

Race fees: Have sufficient funds in your race fee account or you will not be entered. If in doubt contact Top up your account: PayPal/Credit Card or Direct Deposit



Boats Out of Action

The following boats are out of action at present:

  • Safety

Fill out the Incident/Maintenance Report Form for ANY issue, ANY boat, ANY time.


Current GRC COVID Rules

1. Mandatory QR Code Check-in

Ensure you sign-in with the Service NSW QR Code if you are in the shed for any reason.

If you go on the water you still need to write your name and boat into the book.

2. Rowing equipment: Wash down boats and oars with soapy water after every use.

3. Gym equipment: Sanitize before and after each use.


Key Contacts and Documents

Link to: Key Contacts and Documents

Take the GRC Knowledge test