
Dry Lakes Racers Australia Inc



Here's some good sources that will provide all the information you need leading up to Speed Week.

Please take the time to have a look at this page as well. It talks about the rainfall and catchment for Lake Gairdner and remember evaporation rates in the Outback are greater than 3,400 to 4,000 mm per annum. (70 - 100mm per week)!





  1. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology 512 km composite Woomera Radar Loop.
    Other pages from BOM; Daily Weather Observations, Warnings for South Australia, South Australia Rainfall and River Conditions.
    1. Met Eye from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology . Met Eye is able to show maps of weather observations and the official forecasts produced by the Bureau of Meteorology . This is quite different to other map based systems which often show automatically generated, computer model data. Met Eye forecast maps have been adjusted by the meteorologists to better represent expected weather.
  2. Elders Weather showing the Daily Rain fall Summary for Mt. Ive. This is the nearest data collection point to Lake Gairdner. Other pages on the Elders web site include; 5 day weather forecast, weather radar, 28 day rain forecast and a 12 month forecast
  3. A brand new service by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology is the Heatwave Service for Australia.
  4. Extended Weather Forecast for Mt. Ive
  5. Weatherzone - South Australia Extended GFS Rainfall Forecast Medium-Range Forecast model; one of the operational forecast models run at NCEP. The MRF is run once daily, with forecast output out to 240 hours (10 days).
  6. Farm Online


BOM Woomera Radar Loop


BOM Daily Rainfall Summary Mt. Ive

BOM Heatwave Service for Australia

Accuweather Extended Weather Forecast


Farm Online

Landscape South Australia - SA Arid Lands

Higgins Storm Chaser

Early Warning Network - Significant Weather Threat Map

Bureau of Meteorolgy Satellite Viewer

Zoom Earth Viewer



Severe weather long-range forecast for 2023-24 - Bureau of Meteorology


Understanding ENSO - Bureau of Meterology


Understanding the Indian Ocean Dipole - Bureau of Meterology



The Australian Bureau of Meteorology Climate and Water Outlook page, contains information on Rainfall and temperature outlooks, El Niño / La Niña status, Stream-flow forecasts, Tropical outlooks and Climate models.