Volunteer Register
All entrants (or a member of their team) must volunteer for at least one job (or shift) at Speed Week. There are volunteer positions from the Friday before Speed Week right through to pack up the following Friday.
Non entrants or members are more than welcome to volunteer for a job at Speed Week and for them it's a great way to get a little bit closer to the action and feel part of the event.
You now can select a preferred job and date, and have the choice of role responsibility level. We have introduced Team Leaders into each shift per functional area. Team Leaders will have a select extra few responsibilities than ever before.
This is so the intense workload on the Committee of running an event each and every year can be spread a little more evenly and your time as a volunteer is used more effectively, making everyone's time at the lake a lot more enjoyable.
To identify Team Leaders, when you register for a volunteer shift you will be asked "Are you interested in being a Team Leader?". If you choose yes, the Volunteer Coordinator will contact you directly to discuss this further prior to Speed Week
Team Leader Role Snapshot
The volunteer Team Leader (TL) role is to ensure the DLRA’s volunteer workforce are confident and skilled in their roles and feel valued for their contributions to Speed Week.
A good example of this person may be a previous highly experienced volunteer with role-specific knowledge or exceptional personal and organisational skills who has previously worked closely with the Volunteer Coordinator and/or chief of functional area.
Team Member Role Snapshot
The volunteer Team Member (TM) makes up the remaining body of the workforce within their functional area. TM’s are volunteers who will be happy working within a team.
A good example of this person may be someone who is volunteering at Speed Week for the first time, or who is happy lending a helping hand wherever is needed.
To nominate go to the VOLUNTEER REGISTER 2025
If you have any difficulties using this, you may contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Pam Telford, directly using the contact form on the portal or via volunteers@dlra.org.au.
You will receive a confirmation email to you once your volunteer registration is complete. Speed Week Entrants can then use this information when they register their entry for Speed Week.
See a list of job types and descriptions here.