Dragon Boating WA Inc. (DBWA) complaints guidance

DBWA is committed to ensuring that everyone, administrators, coaches, officials, athletes, competitors and supporters that are involved with the dragon boating community, is treated with respect and dignity and is protected from abuse, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, unlawful discrimination, victimisation, and vilification.

National Integrity Framework

DBWA is affiliated with the Australian Dragon Boat Federation (AusDBF).  It is subject to its Policies, including the National Integrity Framework (NIF), which can be viewed on the AusDBF policies webpage.

For further information, please visit the AusDBF sport integrity webpage about these Policies and the Complaints process.

To view the National Integrity Framework booklet, click here

General integrity-related enquiries may be made to the AusDBF National Integrity Manager: integrity@ausdbf.com.au.