Youth Start Crewing & Start Helming


Thursday Afternoons 09, 16, 23, 30 May 06, 13, 20 June Dinghy Add On: 27 June 15:30 - 18:30
Australian Sailing - 2-3. Start Crewing and Start Helming

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.

If you have a sport voucher, select the sport voucher type ($100 or $200) and enter the related discount code during the registration process. The physical sport voucher must be displayed at the Club staff before the first session of the course. Full course fee will apply if the sport voucher won't be physically displayed.

All 2019 Keelboat Learn to Sail courses will include an optional Dinghy Add On session. These offer the opportunity for participants to try their hand at skippering their own dinghy without the luxury of an instructor on board! The sessions provide an introduction to rigging and sailing smaller dinghies.

The sessions for this course are displayed below:
1. Thursday afternoons 09 May - 20 June 15:30-18:30
4. Dinghy Add On Day: 27 June 15:30-18:30 ($50)

Course Overview
The first step on the Keelboat pathway introduces you to the basics of sailing on a small keelboat, including boat handling, safety and sailing theory. In the combined course, you will also experience and develop the theory and practical skills to confidently take control on the helm.

Course Prerequisites

Water confident.

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for participants who wish to begin sailing in a keelboat. Learn the basics of crewing and helming, whilst staying relatively dry! All the equipment and gear will be provided by your accredited Discover Sailing Centre.

Course Outcome

You will gain your Start Crewing and Start Helming completion certificate.