Registrations for this event are closed.
Tuesday Pennant - Autumn 2025: 10 rounds plus semi and grand final.
Starting date: February 18, 2025*
* we are awaiting advice from Merri-Bek City Council regarding a starting date for the refurbishment of the foyer/replacement of the front door. This could mean postponing the start of, or pausing, the season for a couple of weeks. We will notify all players once we receive Council confirmation.
- Coburg Premier League: 2 or 3-person teams depending on entries
- Rating Central Requirement: above 1600 Rating Central points (as at close of registrations); however, players who are below 1600 RC points will be considered if circumstances warrant.
- Other sections: 3-person teams where each player plays 3 singles matches; no doubles matches
- 7pm start
PLEASE NOTE: in 2024, registrations for Tuesday pennant were extremely healthy, to the extent that a number of players (close to twenty in Spring 2024) missed out. We anticipate a similar squeeze on spots this time around. We’re hoping to address this by moving two sections to Thursdays (7.30pm start). To avoid missing out, we urge all players up to 1250 Ratings Central points who are available to play on either night to register for both Tuesday and Thursday pennants. Once registrations close, the pennant sub-committee will advise relevant players whether they have been assigned to Tuesday or Thursday night. Please email if you have any questions or talk to a member of the Pennant sub-committee.
- Pennant fees: $70 per player (including GST) payable when season starts
- CTTC membership fee (annual): $10
- TTV ‘competition’ player registration fee (annual): $115.00 Adult/$95 concession
Coburg Table Tennis Club has a pennant sub-committee that will select players/teams for the upcoming pennant season. Selection is based on a number of factors but ultimately is at the discretion of the sub-committee. Due to limited available spaces, some applicants may not get a spot in pennant. In the case of the latter, the club will advise non-successful applicants once selections are finalised.
Applications close on February 4, 2025. Late entries will not be accepted. Note that all players must register individually (but may nominate team mates; however, teams will be finalised at the discretion of the pennant sub-committee).
Proudly Sponsored by Affordable Table Tennis