
Mandatory Coaching Update Course

Published Fri 22 Sep 2023

All Accredited Athletics Coaches are required to complete the 2023-24 Mandatory Update course this season.

The course will share essential updates for all coaches including using a Pre-Exercise Screening Tool, your responsibilities and best practice for managing athlete personal data, rule changes for the 2023-24 season, and abiding by Athletics Australia's body composition assessment guidelines.

Why has Athletics Australia introduced mandatory compliance modules for coaches?

The introduction of mandatory compliance modules has been designed to increase the education and reputation of accredited coaches. By completing this module, you are demonstrating your committment to creating a safer sport for all athletes.

How long will the course take to complete?

The average time to complete the module is 17 minutes.

When does the course need to be completed by?

All coaches should complete the course by December 20, 2023.

Access the Mandatory Course Here

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