
Central Coast Softball Association


Round 3 Cancelled due to Covid Outbreak

Published Fri 17 Dec 2021

Unfortunately the latest Covid outbreak has gotten us and the decision has been made to not go ahead with Round 3 tomorrow - 18/12/2021.

We have a large portion of members who are unable to play or bring their children to the grounds tomorrow due to being close contact, required to isolate or awaiting test results.

This meant only 1 junior game and a couple of senior games were able to be played.

This decision was not made lightly. We must put the safety of our members first. The association will look and see if it is at all possible to reschedule the games and will let clubs know on our return.

We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you all on the diamond for Round 4 on 15th January.

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