
Central Coast Softball Association


Introducing your 2022/23 Committee

Published Fri 10 Jun 2022

Introducing your 2022/23 Committee:

Fiona Clark (RB) returning (1yr)

Sandra Bowden (M) returning (1yr)

Denise Lynch (Wi) returning (1yr)

Di Barrymore (PD) re-elected (2yr)

Donna Collins (BT) re-elected (2yr)

Leica Clark (RB) re-elected (1yr)

There is one 2yr position vacant.

Please email centralcoast_softball@yahoo.com.au if you are interested in filling this position.

Without volunteers there would be no association and we thank our committee members for putting their hand up.

CCSA would also like to thank our outgoing committee member Hailey Winchester for her time and contributions over the past year.

As the saying goes many hands make light work and all help is appreciated.


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