Mat Pilates Training


Every Thursday at 12.30, from April to December

Event information

This event has passed.

Adelaide University Judo Club is offering Mat Pilates training at its premises at 34 Phillips St, Thebarton!

Pilates offers a range of health benefits; it not only improves fitness and strength but can assist in the development of deep, controlled breathing. As breathing is an element to life, this can assist health in many ways.

Pilates classes cater for all fitness levels and ages. Each client’s personal health and fitness is accurately assessed and regularly monitored; this ensures that the exercises are tailored to individual needs.

The clases are run by very experienced Pilates Instructors and are limited to 10 attendees per session.

You can purchase a 10-session Discount Pack for $160 (20% discount) on-line here or pay for the sessions on a casual basis of $20/session by bank transfer or credit card at the venue.

Files for download
AUJC Pilates Flyer FINAL


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