
School Term Nipper (the Seahorses) Program 2024/25 - Age Groups U7 to U13
Last Term 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th November & 5th, 12th, December 2024 First Term 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th February & 6th & 13th March 2025
Anglesea Surf Lifesaving Club

Event information

Registrations for this event are not currently available.

Nippers is a surf education program held during term 4 and term 1 that is designed for children to develop knowledge of water safety and surf awareness. There are three categories within the Nippers Program:

1. Age Groups U7 to U13 (for children aged 6 to 12 as at 30 September 2024) Please continue with this online registration form.

I M P O R T A N T  -   P L E A S E   R E A D

The online registrations are tailored for each of the Nipper categories, so you only have to provide information that is relevant to you and your child, making the registration process simpler. We understand some parents may need to register a child in two or more categories but this should still be a relatively simple process. 

Please follow steps 1 - 4  below before continuing to the online Nipper registration. Failure to do so will mean your child cannot be registered for Nippers. 

  1. Working with Children Check (WWCC) Parents/guardians aged 18 years and older must obtain or update a WWCC - for further details please click here.
  2. Renew/Apply and Pay for Membership for each member of your family who wants to be involved. Please read the information on our Membership website page, including details about how to create your family group. 
  3. Receive your Membership Confirmation from Anglesea SLSC - this will be emailed to you once we have finished processing your membership/s. 
  4. Download and complete a Preliminary Skills Evaluation for each Nipper (Under 7 are exempt). 
  5. Register for School Term Nippers. Once steps 1 to 4 are complete, continue with this online Registration.
  6. Pay a flat $20 fee per Nipper in the School Term Nipper (the Seahorses) registration platform. NOTE: If you are participating in the Summer Nipper Program as well, please pay $0 fee in this platform and pay the Summer Nipper Fee $44.15 ($27.50 Club Fee and $16.65 LSV Levy Fee) when registering for that program. We do not require payment for both programs. 

*Any families who wish to participate in this program, who have concerns regarding the payment of membership fees, are encouraged to contact the Club to discuss their circumstances.

D O C U M E N T S   T O   H A V E   R E A D Y 

As part of this enrollment process you will be required to upload supporting documents. Please download, complete and have the applicable forms on your computer ready to upload during your online registration:

  • Member Card from Anglesea SLSC (this will have been emailed to you from
  • Junior Preliminary Swimming Skills Evaluation Form - the completed form needs to be uploaded for all age groups. Please scan or take a photograph of the completed form to upload.