EMAIL YOUR CONTACT DETAILS TO albertparktabletennis@gmail.com FOR MORE!
Please visit the below links for more information about the Pennant or below for a brief summary!
TTV Premier League is an interclub (Club v Club) competition that is hosted by Albert Park Table Tennis as of 2023. This means that the only way to enter the competition is through a club.
The main three TTV Affiliates that enter teams into the league are Albert Park, St Kilda Cricket, and Maccabi. Other clubs from around Victoria also enter on occasion, but not as regularly. Albert Park has several clubs under their banner that enter teams.
- If you are a member of St Kilda Cricket Table Tennis Club, please contact them: St Kilda Cricket Website
- If you are a member of Maccabi Cricket Table Tennis Club, please contact them: Maccabi Website
- If you are a member of Albert Park Table Tennis, please visit the APTT Entering Premier League and enter there,
- If you are a member of any other Affiliated Club/Association, please contact them to enter a team.
- If you are new and not a member of a club, you will need to become a member of either one of the two above or you can join Albert Park and then visit APTT Entering Premier League
Relevant Personnel and Contact Details
Premier League Competition Manager - Chuan Chew
All administrative pennant inquiries (fill-ins, team registration, rule clarification, Ratings Central, etc.) shall be directed to the Competition Manager, via email at albertparktabletennis@gmail.com
3-person teams (9 singles)
Please visit the Premier League Fixture page for more examples of the Teams, Draw, and Fixtures.
The Fixture may be revised at any time to reflect current entries and any other requirements specified.
Cost for the season (12 weeks total + 1 or 2 grading nights): $145 pp (13/12/2023)
- TTV Competition Members: $435 for 3+ person TEAMs and $290 for 2+ person TEAMs. Each team member's fees will be collected directly by their club.
- Concession player discount: Special 25% discount for the pennant fees
- Non-Members: must first become a TTV Competition Member (contact a relevant club for their membership fees)
- Albert Park Table Tennis, St Kilda Cricket Table Tennis Club, and Maccabi Table Tennis Club Members, please refer to your relevant Pennant Secretaries.
New to the Pennant? (01/01/2023)
For those unsure of the general procedures required of you each Wednesday Night, please read these basic procedural guidelines for your reference whether you have played pennant previously at a different club or for the first time!
Are you a team Captain? Please read these responsibilities that you are expected to execute each week.