Step 1/9: Let's get started
Step 1/9: Let's get started

AHHC Player Registration 2024

Welcome to Adelaide Hillls Hockey Club. The registration process is the same as previous years and all through this website portal.  

New and Returning Players for 2024 - Seniors and Juniors

New players to hockey that have never registered with Hockey Australia, select New Player at the end of this page to start the process to create a hockey National ID.

Returning Players if you registered for hockey last year, select Returning Player at the end of this page.

You do not need to know your National ID, and can instead use name and date of birth to confirm your account for registering. You will then be sent a link to your account email enabling you to complete registration. If you are a parent or guardian registering a child for Hookin2Hockey or to play juniors, please register with the child’s details as the process then includes collection of parent or guardian details.

Once you have you National ID and personal details correct, please proceed to select the type of membership that you wish to have with AHHC.
Selecting anything other than "... Hockey SA Registration Only" will require payment by Visa/Mastercard and incur a transaction fee of approx. 2% added to your invoice.

Alternatively, you may choose to pay your membership fee by EFT directly to AHHC instead of through this portal and will not incur a transaction fee.

Once you have provided details for online registration you will need to pay the mandatory Hockey Australia and Hockey SA fees only, which must be paid by credit card through the portal, and you will then be issued a separate invoice for the AHHC club fees and the invoice will contain EFT payment details. AHHC club fees must be paid to be a registered financial member.

On completion of registration you will receive an email confirming you have registered with Hockey SA. Hockey SA registration must be complete and paid in full prior to any player being about to participate in HSA Metropolitan Competitions.

When paying with EFT, please include a payment reference: Fees <your name> or your Invoice Number . Please email confirming that your payment has been made.
All AHHC Club fees must be paid in full or have a payment plan in place by no later than June 1st 2024. If you are unable to pay the AHHC registration in full please contact the Treasurer via email to arrange a payment plan ASAP.

Club communication is through Stack Team App. If you have not already, download the App and sign in or create an account, amd find ‘Adelaide Hills Hockey Club’ and request access.
For any general enquiries, contact

Part-time Players

For Senior players wishing to play hockey casually on part-time basis (play 9 games or less), Adelaide Hills Hockey Club offers a discount on club fees. For this category membership, select "... Hockey SA fees only" option and then email indicating your intention to play part time. Please be aware If you proceed with part-time membership and play more than 9 games, you will automatically converted to full player membership and be invoiced for the full player fees.


Adelaide Hills Hockey Club offer rebates to fees those eligible that will be reimbursed once you are a fully financial member. These are Coaches Rebate, Volunteers Rebate and Finders rebate. Finders rebate. Rebates can be delegated to a playing family member is a member is not playing themselves.

The Coaches rebate is a $300 in recognition of the invaluable time and effort but in by coaches in supporting their teams. 
The Finders rebate is a $50 reimbursement for those members who recruit or bring back new members from other clubs or who have not been registered for hockey for the last two years. To claim this rebate you must be a fully financial member and the rebate can only be claimed once. To claim the rebate email with the recruits details.
The Volunteer rebate is $75 in recognition of contribution to the club and is granted to serving committee members and assistant coaches.

Rebate eligibility is determined by the AHHC Management Commttee and is final.

ORS Sports Voucher

The ORS Sports Voucher is an initiative by the South Australian Government to subsidise membership fees of Juniors from school ages Reception to Year 9. If you are eligible for the ORS Sports Voucher, value $100, and wish to claim this discount then please complete the form by clicking this link.Please complete and forward to for submission. The discount will be shown on your invoice from AHHC or will be reimbursed to you if you pay by credit card.

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